Birth Fears Dispelled
Birth Fears Dispelled
keywords: birth, fear, blood, pain, joy, elation, empowerment, contractions
What would happen if you could vanquish your fear of the unknown? Knowledge of
what is normal and what is sickness, injury, or dangerous can dispel fear.
A conversation can provide joy in the journey to empowerment.
Are like waves. You see contractions coming from far away. You can get ready for
They can wash over you. You can ride waves or be crashed and dragged by them.
Spilling Waves
Plunging Waves
Plunging waves are like the contractions that happen around 4 cm dilation. You are taking these a bit more seriously, you can't really ignore them. But, you may be able to rest by sitting down or laying down.
Surging Waves
Surging waves are comparable to 5-6 cm dilation. Things are getting serious now! This is the point in labor that you start to wonder aloud if you can do this! This is when you want to head to your birth place, call the midwife to your house, or get settled quickly! If you have a long way to travel, you may wish you were already there because it is difficult to relax while riding in the car with these contractions! Breathing low in your abdomen, completely relaxing between contractions, and having your doula on hand is a must!!
Collapsing Waves
Collapsing waves remind me of the time in labor when you are 7-10 cm dilated. This is where a woman comes into her own, channels her deepest strength, fear, elation, joy, empowerment and gives birth! The contractions are coming one after the other, there is little time to regroup between them, and your doula is your very best friend in the entire world!
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